Finn Boyl

A boy of Duinbaile, Finn is the great-grandson of Goban Boyl, a respected leacher from the town.   Though most of his forebears have been related to medicine in some fashion, Finn is more interested in art and adventure. An avid painter (when he can get the supplies), he is known for creating portraits that slightly alter or deform their subjects in interesting ways. Many dislike this technique, however, saying it betrays a lack of talent and a predisposition for the grotesque.   Finn has recently developed a fascination with Freyn Ragnar, a popular boy who sees himself as the future guardian of Duinbaile. Finn generally has very little interaction with people outside his family, but this fascination leads him to the Haunted Coast, seeking to impress Freyn and his followers.   ENNEAGRAM: The Romantic/Individualist. Emotional idealist who values creativity, authenticity, and aesthetics. His emotional sensitivity and individualism can lead him to take criticism too personally. Ego Fixation: Melancholy (fantasizing). Holy Idea: Origin. Fears: Having no identity or significance. Desires: To be uniquely himself.
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