Akodo Akane Character in Sixgun Samurai | World Anvil
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Akodo Akane

  Akane is a stout, optimistic young man. As a young recruit, he was sent West by a weary sensei who hoped it would toughen him up. Akane has seen much hardship in the West, but believes that with the right attitude, one can accomplish anything! Akane is eager to please and an excellent team player.
  During the Battle of Heiwa Toshi, Akane served as a Nikutai in Akodo Kosei's unit. Upon arrival in Haven, he was promoted to Gunso and now serves as Kosei's second in command.
  He was killed by the Sons of Prosperity at the battle of Haven's Bridge. His body is now possessed by a member of the former Boar Clan.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Stout but fairly fit and in good health. Still has a little baby-fat, making him look even younger than he is.

Facial Features

Flat, moon-shaped face. Looks friendly.

Apparel & Accessories

Traditional kimono, Haven-guard badge, bison arm band.

Specialized Equipment

Jingasa helmet, daisho, tessen, union-issue infantry rifle, well-polished lacquered armor, a letter from his mom and dad, a well-worn copy of Akodo's "Leadership"
Year of Birth
1845 19 Years old
Brown and bright with enthusiasm
Black topknot
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
170 lbs


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