Isawa Mamoru Character in Sixgun Samurai | World Anvil
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Isawa Mamoru

(a.k.a. The Young Doctor)

A young shugenja/doctor. Isawa Mamoru was not born of samurai caste. He was born to a heimin fishing family. When pirates raided his village and left him orphaned, two high-ranking men of the Isawa Family adopted and raised him. Young Mamoru showed unusually high aptitude for elemental magic and a sixth sense for detecting spirits and supernatural forces. As a result, he completed his gempukku in near-record time.   Before the Civil War, Mamoru joined an abolitionist group and worked as part of the Underground Railroad. In Heiwa Toshi he helped runaway burakumin from the South escape the notice of Soshi Bairei. Now he works as a frontier doctor in Haven.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

In good health, and attractive, if a little skinny. Perfect, flawless skin.

Facial Features

Handsome, fresh-faced and rosy cheeks, with a dazzling, disarming smile.

Special abilities

Elemental magic (invocations) and spirit-sense.

Apparel & Accessories

Sanctified robes, bowler hat, wire-rimmed glasses for close-up work, and a well-fitted modern vest.

Specialized Equipment

Scroll satchel, traveling pack, doctor's bag, wakizashi, and a small knife.
Year of Birth
1843 21 Years old
Short, black, modern haircut
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 10"
158 lbs


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