Quick n Dirty Campaign Timeline in Sixgun Samurai | World Anvil
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Quick n Dirty Campaign Timeline


Serpent 25th — Our heroes battle Red Company bandits   Serpent 26th — Our heroes arrive in Heiwa Toshi: The City of Peace   Serpent 28th — Kakita Jihi kills Bayushi Konda, sparking a month of chaos and violence.   Horse 7th — Water tower destroyed in battle between Confederate and Union gangs.   Horse 17th — Tea-house attacked. Hida Jubei kidnaps Chiyo, and others.   Horse 18th — Kakita Jihi kills Jubei and burns his plantation, rescuing Chiyo and Eiko. He is arrested.   Horse 21st — The Trial of Kakita Jihi & the Red Street Massacre. Jihi kills Magistrate Soshi Bairei. Riots ensue. Matsu Yudaiko leads assaults and annihilates the Scorpion Embassy.   Horse 22nd — The Scorpion Clan flees the city.   Goat 15th — Crashing Day. The lesser fortune Doji Mizuki falls to earth. Creates a two-week long dust storm. A portal to Toshigoku, the Realm of Slaughter is discovered and destroyed.   Monkey 9th — A giant Kansen of air attacks the city.   Monkey 10th 1864 — The Second Calamity. The city burns. Kakita Jihi slays Shiba Ryota. The dead return.   Monkey 12th — Heiwa Toshi falls to Scorpion 5th Legion forces. Jihi killed. The Exodus begins.   Rooster 13th — The Exodus ends, thanks to helpful Nezumi. The City of Haven is founded.   Dog 1st — Trade established with the Ujik-Hai under chief Batbayar   Dog 20th — The Order of the Lucky Cricket founded after conflict with the Red Company   Dog 25th — Exploring Prosperity. A ghost-rock mine is discovered, along with terrible secrets. Shiba Ryota returns from the dead. The spirit of Mt. Arch sacrifices itself. Tadaka and Arikimede go to Meido. Tadaka imprisons a great worm for one year and a day.   Dog 27th — Prosperity is cleansed and burned.   Boar 1st — Lynching. Red Company hang 6 Nezumi scouts. Toku Kazehime duels Daidoji Saki over it, taking her hand.   Boar 11th — Red Company rescues missing loggers and is incorporated to the City Watch.   Boar 14th — Sachiko, Akasha, Arikimede, and Tadaka are trapped in a dream by spirits.   Rat 11th — Battle with the Forest King.   Rat 12th — Assassination attempt on Governor Sumiko. She is in critical condition.   Rat 14th — Tadaka, Sachiko, Arikimede, and Akasha are freed from the dream realm.   Rat 22nd — Acting Governor Akihito is killed a former Red Company mercenary. Red Company is inducted into the Akodo. The White Hats commit seppuku over the incident.   Rat 25th — Akihito’s protective maho wards are taken down.   Ox 1st — The Wiitigo is slain. The Forest King accepts Haven and offers it his protection.   Ox 13th — Toku Kazehime discovers Brother Yoshi’s treachery. He commits Seppuku.  


  Hare 1st — Akodo Tamiko is bound to an ancient wolf-spirit by Akasha and Sachiko.   Horse 22nd — Kurultai. The Unicorn combines with the Ujik-Hai and Great Khan Tomorbataar is chosen to lead, with Moto Gerel at his side. Mizuki’s Chisel artifact found.   Goat 15th — Shiba Ryota returns and gives and ultimatum: Return the Anvil in two weeks time, or Haven will be destroyed.   Monkey 1st — Ryota’s Deadline. We’ll pick up here.   Dog 8th — The Great Worm will awaken, and the siege of the underworld will begin…


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