Red Company Organization in Sixgun Samurai | World Anvil
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Red Company

A band of mercenaries and deserters

A group of mercenaries operating in the West. Most of its members are deserters from the Union or Confederacy armies. The have a reputation for bloody, vicious tactics. That, coupled with their crimson bandanas, earned them their name.
  Currently a little over a dozen members of Red Company operate out of Haven
  Some current or past members include: Akodo Yamagata, Akodo O-Shoen, Seven Sword Sazae


Ruled by a might-makes right mentality. Currently Yamagata, The Mountain is the leader. O-Shoen (Gunsmoke) and Sazae (Seven Swords) serve as his lieutenants.   Recently the Red Company has been partially absorbed by the Haven Guard, under the command of Akodo Kosei. It remains to be seen if that goes well.


Numerous swords and guns, including at least one rotary gun. They possess an armored wagon and enough horses for every member of the organization, plus a few ponies or mules to carry supplies.
Military, Mercenary Group
Training Level
Veterancy Level


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