Senpet Ethnicity in Sixgun Samurai | World Anvil
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The Senpet Empire, the Empire of the Scarab, was an ancient nation north-west of the Burning Sands, roughly the size of Rokugan, ruled by a Pharaoh. Their history claimed they were the first humans to construct a building anywhere, and any visitor could witness the majesty of their architecture. They worshipped a pantheon of Ten Thousand Gods, many of which were divine aspects of death. The Empire lied along the Nahr'umar river, downstream from Medinat al-Salaam.   The Senpet had tan skins, dark straight hair, round eyes, and dressed in simple garments of white cotton. Their nobles wore abundant gold jewelry and elaborate facial makeup, their soldiers wore light armor and fought with either bows or spears and shields. They were an extremely militaristic people, but not conquerors, and generally left their neighbors in peace so long as those neighbors did the same.


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