The Rattlers Species in Sixgun Samurai | World Anvil
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The Rattlers

A huge worm-like entity allied with the Reckoners. Its touch annihilates kami on contact, and it is capable of summoning red lightning from its tentacles maw. Two were imprisoned in the mines beneath Mt. Arch, but escaped when the mountain was destroyed. One has been imprisoned at the gates of Meido. The other has seemingly been slain in the river south of Haven   A Rokugani woman from Prosperity known only as the Clock Maker seemingly designed a way to communicate with them, using a device capable of sending seismic pulses deep into the earth. Agasha Arikimede is in possession of one such device. Shiba "Fox Eyes" Ryota is believed to have had another one. If others exist, their whereabouts are unknown.


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