Ujik-Hai Ethnicity in Sixgun Samurai | World Anvil
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The Ujik-hai were a race of of nomadic, warrior horsemen who lived on the steppes of the lands past Rokugan, the Northern Steppes, towards the Burning Sands. A fierce tribe of desert nomads with a three thousand year tradition of bloodlust and slaughter.   Shinjo and her followers encountered the Ujik-hai in the year 45. At first, they tried to conquer the Ki-Rin Clan when the Ki-Rin first started their exploration of the lands beyond the Empire, but eventually several of their number joined the with the Rokugani. They gifted the Ki-Rin with several innovations in both survival and horsemanship, and were a large influence on Unicorn Clan culture and practices. They knew nothing of a humankind created from Lady Sun's tears and Lord Moon's blood, as the Rokugani told them.


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