
Ashchurch is the picturesque cultural hub of Olmixipor. It is the friendliest part of the city as it is primarily run by the local church of Pelor and is exclusive of the political warfare of the royals and the merchants. The local church, The temple of Dawn, often helps house and feed local homeless and stowaways who have stumbled thier way through the ocean on foreign ships.   The streets here aren't as large as the Starwell district but they are a nice cobble lined with white ashen coloured trees. The river walkway is a beautifully crafted dark wooden platform that's suspended over the stone river channel, built into the suspended path are various turbines that collect energy from the rivers currents. These turbines store power in batteries under the cobble path.   Although there is a large number of young kids without a home at Ashchurch they act out of a kindness not found anywhere else. These kids approach and ask to help get you cheaper market deals as the cost of a small payment. They can be annoying but there is a distinct lack of scum and cutthroats in this part of the city, likely as this is the only part of the city still under the influence of the gods first and foremost.   At the temple, you can pay for a guide to the ancient site of Starfelled.