Castle Dire

Castle Dire, the grand ancestral seat of the Dire royal family, stands as a formidable fortress looming over the city of Olmixipor. Originally built as a symbol of independence, prestige and to set Cartitia aside from the Kingdom of Earania, the castle was once open to the public, welcoming visitors from all corners of the new and young kingdom. Its towering walls and majestic towers served as a beacon of strength and unity, inviting citizens to marvel at its splendor and bask in the aura of royalty.   However, after the war started in the north and the royal family were pressured more and more by the populace (fueled by the manipulative and powerful Merchants Guild), the castle closed its doors to the public. Entry into the castle now comes with invitation from a member of the royal family or an advisory of the Kings cabinet.   Once a bustling castle full of plentiful feasts and exotic performance the castle is now an echo of its former self. Money has become tighter for the royals, scared to put more power into the pockets of those who seek to undermine them, to protect their sovereignty the castle now focuses on providing political goals through interacting with parties strictly screened by the royal family.