Other things to note

So, this article will include some of the smaller things about Skålnir that would crowd the bigger intro document.    


The Constellations of Skålnir play a part in the world, I haven't written them all up yet, but basically they have real implications on the world, depending on the stars positions, brightness, colour or other factors, you can gain knowledge about the world of Skålnir.  


Space plays a large part in the history of Skålnir, stars especially hold unimaginable power that have shaped the landscapes of the history of Skålnir. When a star falls there will always be a power struggle to acquire them as they can instantly win wars, move mountains and grant amazing power. They have wiped out entire civilisations and brought the rise of modern civilisation through time and so they are worshipped greatly.  

Deities of old:

Pantheons change. Think of how in Greek mythos the lesser seats of Olympus change depending on the god/goddess who is worshipped more. Worship brings power to the deities of the realm and so they have shifted over time. Gods and Goddesses have been forgotten, their powers ceasing and their impact on the world disappearing as newer forms of deities start to grow and gain their own new power. Worshipping older deities is not looked greatly upon, it shows the lack of faith one has in the modern pantheon of who rules the stars, and lack of faith in the stars is the greatest insult to the Gods.

The Nations:

There are 15 nations that rule Skålnir. Next on my list is to provide some description for each one but for now here is the list of them if you want a reference for anything. Nations of Skålnir  


So there are two moons, Romeo and Juliet, my star-crossed...moons...  

The Calendar:

There are *177* days in a year. Why? To make having a 6-month rotating-seasonal calendar work. Aka, each of the 6 months can have more weight on the climate since the climate changes with each month as well as moon phases changing. You can get a gist of the climate based on the months name. So, this does mean, that someone who is 50 years old is actually 100 years old in Skålnir.