Pantheon of the Crescent Moon


The Pantheon of a Crescent Moon holds great veneration for their ancestors, influenced by the more tribal people who worship the The Slovan Spirits those who follow a Crescent Moon are a splinter off The Solar Pantheons and instead focus on building up their small and conservative communities through the foundations provided by those who came before them. The Pantheon follows a set few specific Gods from The Solar Pantheons. Those who live under this Pantheon are often called: Cremlings  

Deities of a Crescent Moon


Love of the Ancestors

The local influence of the The Slovan Spirits has led the Cresent Moon Pantheon to put a significant amount more emphasis on those who came before. Their towns put the majority of their effort and resources into creating beautiful elegant tombs for their families that last eons. Infusing the unique ice of the North alongside the magic of ancient spirits the Crescent Moon Pantheon are able to create beautifully colourful luminescent Ice similar in appearance to stained glass, except the imbued magic gives the appearance of slightly coloured veins in the ice to give off the uniquely coloured hue.
  The main difference between the Crescent Moon and the Slovans is the impact the gods have on ideologies. Where Slovans communicate with past spirits and through nature, Cremlings instead ask the Gods and Goddesses for guidance on how they should act. Cremlings see issue in the Slovan tradition of maintaining the physical side of tradition as it prevents the progress of civilisation, instead, they respect those past through memorial services, extravagant burials and honouring their names through prayer. Stories and songs are essential for the Cremling similar to the Slovans, and any way one can honour the life of those past is welcome to society.    

Love Through Undeath

What is 'love through Undeath?' 
Is it honouring those who have died by singing their songs?
Acting their stories?

Is it a ceremonial display of their corpse,
a show of their once large wealth?

Is it allowing their mind to persevere so that they may continue to exist?
Even when their body has deteriorated?

Is the most extreme form of love not becoming one with someone?
A body may collapse. The consciousness may be maintained.

Is it wrong to only love physically in life?
Even when their body may still be so fresh.

Evening Glory is seen as the head of the Pantheon of the Crescent Moon, the deity of Beauty, immortality and preserving love through undeath however, some have interpreted her texts differently to others. A large discourse exists between how literal Evening Glory's texts are, some extremes turn to necromancy (which is not as taboo in the north of Midgering as it may be elsewhere) to perform some rituals others would double over watching. Others, simply interpret Evening Glory's words as metaphorical, that one should continue their love as a form of respect to those who have died.
Because of the sparse population where the Crescent Moon Pantheon is often followed, there is no centralised priests or leading figures and so, splinter cells of the pantheon teach the teachings differently.