Starwell District

The Starwell district is largest and most extravagant hubs of merchant activity in the realm. It has grown to be the home to many high respecting merchants and wealthy store keeps. People crowd the streets from sunrise to sundown and the gossip of conversations drift amidst the air constantly. Although there are stalls within the Starwell District, the opulent façade of merchant shops are the true eye catcher, shops of successful merchants from around the lands near and far have made Starwell their home here, the buildings are extravagant and unique, the sound of coin being traded rings in your ears like a constant sleigh bell. Simply standing in one of the wide pedestrian paths is enough to make you feel poor and small among all the rich personality of the people and the buildings.   Alongside these wonderous shops and colourful banners grabbing your attention are various mansions that line the streets these homes are just as extravagant and egotistical as the shopfronts. Within the center of Starwell lays the home of the Merchants Guild, powerful and elitest to the point of having their own gated community. Behind these gates lie the wealthiest and most influential of the town bar any modest nobility, tied to the barred walls are various large billboard scale sheets of fabric embossed with various propaganda supporting the Kingdom Of Vastelia's war efforts against Midgering. Noticeably each of these banners have the distinct sigil of the merchants guild, a coin with ship, sewn into the fabric. These signs are just as fancy and well made as anything else in Starwell, and it makes you question what other mundane things can be glorified as much as propoganda.   Within the bustling of merchants and clients, stand tall the quiet few militant men and women of the royal family. Their simple presence seems to anger some others with merchants cringing and scowling at them when they walk by. Despite the dominant merchant influence of the Starwell district, the large and looming silhouette of Castle Dire overlooks the rebellious practices of the merchants.
Market square
Parent Location