The Candlebearer

The Candlebearer

Brief Overview

The Candlebearer is a constellation often looked for in the far norths of Skålnir, especially in the Kingdom of Monter. The star representing the candle will either be visible (lit) or missing (unlit) and depending on whether the candle is 'lit' the nights get darker and more monstrosities show themselves.


The constellation depicts a figure, often romanticized as the Goddess Selune, holding a candle up above her. When the candle is lit nighttime becomes extremely dangerous in certain places in northern Skålnir. Firstly, the nighttime darkness becomes excruciatingly dark, a pitch black scrawl that prevents anything from being seen without strong light. The lights themselves are much dimmer, a torch may only show a few feet ahead of you, and beyond that, pure blackness.
Additionally, monsters that would often be slumbering come out when the candle is unlit. These monsters are rarely described, as anyone who is close enough to see them in the light is likely already dead.  

Journey of an Innocent

A short concise story of a man out in the wilderness under an unlit candle.
Whether its the fright or the frostbite of this darkened night I cannot seem to stop my hand from shaking. It shakes so much that I seem to have little if any control over it. The hand reminds me of my error, a short journey under what is usually a beautiful nightsky A nightsky with one star to few.
  Im reminded that, similar to me having no control of my hand, I gave away any control of my life when  stepped out on this bitter night. There is a dagger in my pocket, but I know I wont use it. A firelit lantern in my other hand, fighting against the immovable shadow of the night.
  The suspence pulling at my heart seems to ease as I hear a distant wolfs howl. A sense of familiarity fills the atmosphere. The howl however, quickly devolves into a gutteral scream, and further yet, into silence. An unfinished howl and my heart tenses up once again. My hand, towards my dagger.
  Rarely does a man wish to be truly alone in life. But right now, even that slight brush of leaves leave tears of horror in my eyes. Every sound closer to my demise.
  I repeat in my heads prayers to Selune, over and over. For there is nothing else I can do.
  My trudging pace comes to a halt as I stub my boot on a branch, in pain I bend over to move the debris and to my horror I lift up the fresh bone of a wolf pup. The meat cleanly robbed.
  My instincts tell me to run, but I do not know where to. Is the beast still here, has it moved to find new prey. Has is layed a trap, perhaps baiting the smell of fresh meat so that it may eat anew.
  I quicken my pace, as grotesque thoughts fill my mind. Flashing images of imaginary beasts send shivers down my own bones. As I fasten my steps I find myself needing to tred more and more carefully as I avoid the husks of dead animals.
  I've no sense of distance traveled or time spent on the road. I dont even know where my destination lies. Romeo and Juliet sit isolated above me, watching me as my breath quickens and eyes water.
  Tears of fear blur my already obscured vision, 
I hear a sound.
A slight constant coarse note.
almost like the earth is grumbling at me.

I quieten my panicked breath,
leaving my fate to an unkown destiny.

The grumbles pitch rises, 
an acrused mockery of a taunt.
My panic rises.

A snap of a branch nearby and I throw my lantern to the sound.
The light was useless anyway.
My vision goes from blurry whites to stale blacks as my surrondings dim. 

Yet, in the thrown light, an echo of the night sky stares toward me.
The glowing eyes echoeing that of Romeo and Juliet,
the nearly humaniod face full of antique imperfections. 
A face of a dead man, stictched to whatever monstoroues beast lay behind the facade was staring into my soul.

An uncanny smile curls, like a puppeteer pulling the dimples up of this souless face.
A hairy hand, the thumb replaced with a bloddy lump, gestures for me to hush.

And the lanterns light on the snow starts to dim. 
and I swear I see that smile grow as my final light peters out. 
and I hear the preternatural rhythm of its movement come close. 
and closer.
and closer.

To close for me to still be alive. 

A laugh that near resembles a heyena whisks past my ears. 

And nothing more.
and I am left alone. 
and I am alive. 
I am alive.
I am alive.

Alive and surrounded by lifeless husks of innocent animals.