The Well

The Well is not a pleasent place to be, originally named after an ancient well that was built on these lands to access a underground cavern of potent arcane water, it is now a district of mindless men, half dead shells and the consequences of terrible decisions in Pearlbridge.   The well is up against the Olmixiporian wall and the only accessible ways in are through the merchant guild controlled roads of Pearlbridge. This makes it very hard for the City watch to access the distrcit as they would need to travel through very hostile roads, and so they dont, leaving The Well disconected from the security and safety of the town.   Maintain caution in Pearlbrdige, one bet to many, one bad substance ingested, or insult the wrong person and youll end up in the shithole that is The Well.   The ruins of the actual well are the only interesting thins in the distrcit, it's caved in now and most of the structure has collapsed. The only writing or text on it that it still legible to this day is its name, "The Well of Eldath, the Quiet one" and a short poem:
Mother Of Waters bestow your gift,
may you heal our struggles we face today.
Goddess Of Waters we wished to be kissed,
we look for your Racoon so we shant stray.