Aphada Character in Skene | World Anvil
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The Maiden of Death (a.k.a. The Spirit Mother; The Saviour Maiden; White Ghost)

The guiding spirit, who leads the spirits of all to the next life. She is remarked as a fair and beautiful spirit and loved by all elves. It is she who presides at the heart of Etfaer when not called away to take spirits to their realm after death. Tied with Kyllethan, several myths do not seem to agree on her relationship with the White Stag. Some convey that she is a lover. Others say she is a daughter. Whatever the case may be, she shows no interest in living mortals and stays away from all except those with the royal elven blood.   A minor goddess of few words but remarkable compassion, she conveys beauty and grace in all her actions. She is known to give pity to some mortals in grieving and allows them visions of their passed on loved ones when dreaming...
Divine Classification
Great Spirit

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