Berenith Character in Skene | World Anvil
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Regarded highly by all elves, Berenith is known as the guardian protector of all children and the innocent. He’s a remarkably friendly and sociable spirit that loves all and greatly despises any sort of violence. Unlike most spirits, he cannot speak in the mortal tongue, but his understanding of mortal concepts and culture seems to be high. Worshipped with many altars and prayers, he takes an active position in the mortal realm and travels the Northern Lands freely. In the last few decades, he has spent much of his time in Duien and protects the village as a guardian spirit.   Quite often, Berenith can be found playing with children, and those few that get lost in the woods are always found and brought back safely by this beast of good graces and limitless patience. It is said that Berenith’s tears are made of milk, which he sheds for infant children who have lost their mothers. Infants who taste even a single drop of his milk are regarded as blessed babes destined to live easy, happy childhoods.
Divine Classification
Great Spirit

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