Kenosis Character in Skene | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The Empty)

Chief deity and king of all dragons. Although often depicted as a frightening, black beast and said to be the guardian of the physical gateway to the realm of the spirits--king of death and afterlife--he is often considered a neutral god. Neither good nor evil, he oversees his duties as the judge of those who seek to pass on. It is believed that when the end of days and man finally come, he will devour the unworthy to fuel the creation of the next world; only those who pass his judgement will be able to step foot on that which he will create.   Although said to be the strongest of all the dragons, sources say that he retreated to the Isle of Kenosis after a terrible defeat in battle. He supposedly lingers there within the earth and absorbs those with yielding hearts that dare to trespass in order to heal grievous injuries that never heal.


Divine Classification
Great Dragon

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