Rhigan Character in Skene | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The Freezing)

Deity of those to the north and often forgotten until the frigid call of winter, it is said that Rhigan’s first breath bore the first northern winds, and out of jealousy for mankind’s love for @Apsonauros, the Unruffled, he sends bitter air and snow once a year as a reminder that mankind should not forget the dragon who first introduced the stars in the night sky.   Patron of outcasts and the unwanted, it is said that he protects the Furie Isles and cloaks them in a mysterious fog to ward off those who seek to harm ones under his divine grace and protection. Some scholars believe that the northern lights are a manifestation of his power evoked when an unworthy soul is taken as punishment for testing the will of the dragon.   When the end of days comes, it is said that he will refuse to join his dragon brethren and will instead protect the souls of the isle and build from the ashes of the old world with their lives at his disposal.
Divine Classification
Great Dragon

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