Titora Character in Skene | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. The Fanged Shield of Orestes)

The beast god of Orestes, Titora is said to loom in the snowy mountains just at the northern tip of the Isle and casts great breaths of cold, bitter wind on the village below. While Kleiyo embodies the beauty and art of battle, Titora symbolizes its savagery. He is the god of brutal combat and seasoned warriors. Kleiyo signifies the dance of combat, whilst Titora is its natural savagery. Both are held in high esteem, and while Titora does not actively involve himself in mortal affairs like his fellow spirit, he is just as loved.   Young men and women looking to be recognized as warriors must first make a pilgrimage up to greet Titora. The journey is a trial in itself, and to perish on the brutal slopes of the mountains is not an unlikely occurrence (though uncommon, as many spend years training for the single trip). But the true trial is gaining Titora’s favor, for he is selective in those he grants his blessings to. Only those of notable, remarkable strength--both in body and mind--are acknowledged by him.   It also must be said that whilst Kleiyo is the sword that strikes enemies approaching, people of Orestes fear the day man might pass Kleiyo to the island. Not for themselves, but for the foolish man who presumed to have might equal to the mighty Titora, the Fanged Shield of Orestes who could crush ships with his mere breath…
Divine Classification
Great Spirit

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