
High Chief Crixus Celestial Champion

Crixus is a Half-Orc Zealout Barbarian, worshipper of the Stormlord, and current member of the player character party. Standing well over 6 feet, Crixus is the largest member of the party, and easily the most monsterous, his grey skin and mild tusks betraying his Orc blood. Like most barbarians, Crixus enters a rage in battle, but mindless isn't the best way to describe him. Fueled by anger, passion, his devotion to the storm lord, and the sorrow that fills his soul Crixus is a formidable opponent. Raised in the wilderness and pulled toward the ocean since the first time he saw it, Crixus was a lifelong sailor. He only stopped for a few years before and after his marriage, eventually returning to the call of the sea.   When he returned home frightened of visions he'd been having, he found his worst fears were true. His town pillaged, his wife dead, and his life in ruin. He returned to the sea hoping to find comfort among the waves, here he met Oz and survived the wreck of the ship together, and becoming fast friends since.   Crixus spent a short time trapped in the fire plane, where he found a small glowing gem he now keeps close to him. Shortly after his return he was chosen as the wielder for The Soul of Taldorei and ancient and powerful sentient weapon. After the Soul of Taldorei became fed up with crixus resisting its demands and instructions, it attempted to slay him by summoning several demons. During the fight a gem he recovered from the fire plane fully formed into the Vestige Pyremaul, which he now wields.   After an experience with death at the hands of the minions of The Necromancer, Crixus received a vision in which his on of his eyes was racked with pain and cried tears of blood, waking just slightly as he caught a glimpse of the eye of The Ruiner, apparently brought back to life by the god of his orcish blood by request of The Uncaring, most likely due to the broken god not being able to do it himself.   Troubled by this vision, Crixus later participated in a formal ceremony with Markas, as an attempt to dedicate the Half-Orc to the service of the Stormlord. The divine magic was blocked by The Ruiner howver, only furthering his fears.  

Mental characteristics


Crixus did multiple tours as a sailor on various ships, both as a deckhand and as a navigator.
Start of Campaign: 25
Pre-Timeskip: 31
Post-Timeskip: 41
Circumstances of Birth
Crixus was raised in the wilderness and the exact circumstances of his birth are unknown.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation