The Crawling King Character in Skills Optional Death Possible | World Anvil

The Crawling King

Torog The Crawling King is the evil god of torturers, slavers, and jailers. he is responsible for the myriad of tunnels that have were carved through Exandria's mountains during the calamity, and some legends claim he carved the underdark itself.   Torog remains banished within an unknown sliver of the Far Realm that now borders the deepest pits of the Underdark, where the boundaries between worlds grow thin and birth terrible abominations bent on subjugation.   The Crawling King is rendered as a swollen, malformed worm that slithers through the dark below, with a screaming, hairless human head at the helm and three arms carving through the lightless rock.   Pelor and Raei defeated Torog during the Calamity by luring their nemesis above ground. Pelor pierced Torog’s tenebrous body with ten thousand lances of sunlight, and the Everlight imprisoned him beyond the boundaries of Exandria. The tears of pain and anger the Crawling King shed burned through Exandria, and his faithful fled into these tunnels to escape their enemies’ holy light.

Divine Domains

Death, Blood

Tenets of Faith

  • Seek and exalt places where no light touches.
  • Revel in the pain you inflict on others, and relish the pain you suffer yourself as an offering to Torog.
  • Imprison those who cannot resist you, and drag all life into the darkness.
Divine Classification

Character Portrait image: Crawling King Holy Symbol