The Platinum Dragon

Bahamut, The Platinum dragon, is god of Good-Aligned dragons and Metallic dragons, as well as god of Justice. He is the only known platinum dragon and sworn enemy of his sister Tiamat, The Scaled Tyrant, the queen of Chromatic dragons.   The Platinum Dragon is often seen emblazoned on shields and armor, both functional and decorative, in the form of a brilliant dragon head in profile. Temples and works of art depict a massive, glittering dragon with vibrant platinum scales and seemingly endless wingspan.   When not wandering the outer planes, Bahamut makes his home in the Seven Heavens of Celestia.

Divine Domains

Life, War

Tenets of Faith

  • Stand as a paragon of honor and justice.
  • Smite evil wherever it is found, yet show compassion to those who have strayed from the path of righteousness.
  • Defend the weak, bring freedom to the persecuted, and protect the ideals of justice and order.


Bahamut’s holy day is called Embertide, and is celebrated on the fifth day of Duscar. This is a day of remembrance, solemnity, and respect for those who have fallen in the defense of others.
Divine Classification

Character Portrait image: Platinum Dragon holy symbol