The Spider Queen Character in Skills Optional Death Possible | World Anvil

The Spider Queen

Lolth, The Spider Queen, is the evil goddess of deceit and spiders. She apposes The Archheart whom claims she led the drow underground.   Lolth sends forth her corrupting poisons and whispers from her realm of the Demonweb, which is tethered to the Abyss and home to her many spider children.   Many Lolthite icons and idols show an alluring woman with dark purple skin and silver hair, her abdomen swelling into the terrifying body of a monstrous spider.   Lolth holds a searing grudge against Kord, the Storm Lord, for with one throw of his mighty thunderspear he impaled her against a cliffside, leaving her drow armies leaderless during the Calamity. Lolth and Gruumsh also share a burning hatred for Corellon, whom she claims drove her children below the earth, and Lolth often manipulates Gruumsh’s followers into attacking her enemies so that the drow may remain safe. While Lolth cannot sense the will or power of the Luxon, the entity that is now worshiped by the dark elves of Xhorhas, she is bent entirely toward the destruction of its followers and their memory.

Divine Domains

Trickery, Knowledge

Tenets of Faith

  • It is better to be loved than feared, but you may certainly try to be both.
  • Misdirection, slander, and shadowed steps have more function than direct conflict.
  • Death to the elves who live under the sun, and death to all their allies!
Divine Classification

Character Portrait image: Spider Queen holy symbol