
Yaromir Ambercrest

Yaromir is a Human Divination Wizard, and former member of the player character party. Branded on one arm with several clasp symbols, the white haired wizard was otherwise unremarkable, neither tall or short, and could blend well in a crowd, when he wasn't commiting crimes. Bookish and Academic by nature as a wizard, Yaromir played his cards close to his chest due to his criminal past. The only thing he really showed affection for was Geemu, his familiar blood bat. A former member of the clasp in Ank'harel, Yaromir held no love for his comrades in Taldorei, letting Serafina burn down a warehouse with members still inside despite being the only one to notice. His time with the party came to an end when he was ambushed by gricks in the underdark and eaten alive before the party could find him.
792 824 32 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born to a family with strong clasp ties, Yaromir was expected to walk a certain path since birth.
Circumstances of Death
Ambushed in the underdark, Yaromir died alone and in pain as he was eaten alive.
Dark blue
Mid length white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
5' 11"
160 llbs
Known Languages
Common, Marquesian, Celestial, Draconic