Fak Pymantis Character in Skindarial | World Anvil
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Fak Pymantis

Sea Elf Explorer

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Session 2

We found out that Nem is being hunted by people wearing black cloaks. He has had to move the house to get away from them. He 's been in this house for 500 years which he found 400 years ago our time. Time seems to move at about 10x the speed of the world outside of it. He has been studying magic circles and formulas, inventing ways to change the nature of spells. So far he has been able to change cantrips like firebolt into icebolt, or acid splash into water splash. His pursuers seem to be hunting him for the knowledge that has been accumulated within the house. Nem believes they are after him specifically. We decided to give him a piece of Yuu's horn and were given a tooth from Nem, with the promise of both sides researching a way to get back to him to help. After some last minute questions, we decided to leave but upon exiting the grove of mushrooms that surround the quaint cabin Yuu, Fak, and Bo are suddenly stricken with a wave of amnesia. None of them are able to remember anything from their time with Nem, or even the cabin he resided in. Also the horses are gone.


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