Asaeic Plane

The Asaeic Plane is a separate phase of existence which coexists with the material world. It contains and can only contain Asa, though in different forms. It is often referred to as a 5th dimension in addition to the three spacial dimensions and time. It cannot be interacted with by common means, though it can oftentimes be felt or perceived by organisms who have the means to. To interact with the Asaeic plane, a metaphysical bridge must be created. The most widely spread method of doing so is by opening one's Asaeic Anchor. This allows the Aresen to draw Asa into their bodies and the material to be used in manifestations. The bridge the Asa crosses through shapes it into a certain phase, which allows it to be used in certain manifestations easier than others. Certain areas of space also have different phases, which allow bridges of certain phases to be more efficient.  


As mentioned above, the Asaeic plane contains Asa alone. However, it can exist in different forms, which allows a diverse makeup in the asaeic plane. Its contents are also heavily influenced by the physical world. Anything with an anchor or several is vaguely reflected in the asaeic plane. Physical matter also leaves a vague imprinf of its position if it has rested in a place for a long time and has been in contact with creatures with a mind anchor.

Life in the Asaeic plane

It is possible to leave one's physical form behind and pass into the Asaeic plane if one has opened any one of the three anchors, transferring one's being into one's anchors. In this state the body anchor Forms a new form out of asa, the mind anchor serves as the vessel for the creature's consciousness, and the asaeic anchor is the bridge back to the physical.
There are also creatures which are purely Asaeic, broadly named Sthrena. Among these you find such being as the Fae, thinking and feeling creatures which exist primarily in the Fae Rift, spirits of the departed, which are anchors without a body, and many more. These beings are often the subject of fairy tales and interest among cultures yet unfamiliar with Asaeic theory, forming the true ranks of demons, celestials, nature spirits and all such beings. Many of these sthrena are capable of at least partially crossing into the physical world and affecting it to a certain degree. Some are only capable of nudging things such as a common haunt, but others such as major Fae can lead entire lives in the physical, indistinguishable from any other mortal.  
Some other beings come to have a dual existence, having both a physical body and an asaeic form at the same time. This gives them an innate capability to draw a large amount of asa into their physical body at any given time and lends them great power, however it also means that they are vulnerable in both planes at any given time. Some examples of these are some Fae living in the physical or Sthrenborn, who have "an otherworldly soul".
Metaphysical, Arcane