
Idenita is a skylar power notable for its ruling class being entirely composed of Idenites, also known as vampires, of various lineages. It has the largest proportion of Idenites out of any nation in the Sky, with the ruling class making up roughly 10% of its population, with another 1% of the population being commoner idenites. As is to be expected from a nation of vampires, their command over necromancy is exquisite, with their blood magics being especially advanced.


Idenita follows an organisational structure not dissimilar to a feudal kingdom. The ruling body is a council made up of 9 Princes, which are the in turn the leaders of 9 great houses. The position of Sovereign is cyclical, each prince receiving a term of one year on a fixed rotation. These are the most powerful groups in Idenita, with numerous vassal houses falling under the banner of one of the 9.


There are numerous cultural peculiarities in Idenita. The first that will be most obvious to any outsider interacting with them is their habit of wearing masks conceiling large portions of their faces. Much can be learned from an Idenitian mask, with particular customs surrounding the material, placement, carving, and decoration of the mask. This habit of wearing masks has also lead to increased expressiveness with body language, as one can not always rely on facial expressions. This can lead to outsiders perceiving Idenitians as flamboyant or in some cases rather silly.
Another point of cultural interest is the tradition of severing the ring finger on the left hand for any humanoid Idenite. When this is done depends on the house the idenite belongs to, with some doing it soon after birth, while for others its a coming of age ritual. The nine fingers is considered a mark of civilisation and maturity among their culture. This tradition is also observed by some, but not all commoners in Idenita.


Unlike many other nations in the Sky, Idenita is not very theistic, with few claiming membership of a church revering a particular god. Rather, the prevailing faith is one of finding the divine in oneself. Many, especially the ruling class, believe themselves to be divine beings, and thus capable of achieving sacred greatness on their own
Geopolitical, Principality