
A Skyship is any vessel capable of traveling through the Sky in between celestial bodies. All skyships possess some form of propulsion to cross empty sky, and all alittoral skyships have some form of method for sailing along the Paths. This usually takes the form of sails, which are unfurled into the path to catch its current. In terms of appearance they vary greatly, though they often share design features with regular sea vessels, such as an aerodynamic design, and oftentimes sails of some sort. However beyond that the forms these ships can take are as endless as the imaginations of the minds that dream them up.

Littoral and Alittoral

One of the most important distinctions one must make when talking about are between littoral and alittoral vessels. Littoral vessels are little more than a flying ship. These vessels are unable to travel the paths, for lack of proper sails, reinforcement, or some other reason. These ships are commonly used either as a method to travel between a celestial body to a larger alittoral ship, or simply as travel within an archipelago or other constellation wherein traveling the paths would not be necessary. Alittoral skyships are always capable of venturing into the paths, though some are not able to consistently land due to high energy costs. Ships that can effectively land and travel the paths are referred to as Mercanter Skyships.


All skyships have some form of propulsion in order to transit the sky outside of the paths. Some regions with strong skyborn winds simply use sails, whereas others rely more on Asaeic propulsion of many forms. There are some which implement thrusters, engines which propel material out in one direction in order to accelerate in the opposite direction. Those without access to higher technologies or manifestations often rely on good old fashioned muscle, either by having the ship drawn by skyborn species or by implementing some form of rowing system.

Weapons & Armament

Not all skyships have weapons on board, though many do. Due to the realities accompanying sky combat, it is usual for weapons to be able to fire in almost any direction, though with an emphasis on the flanks of the ship as to facilitate combat upon the paths. The two main types of weapons found upon skyships are Balistic cannons, which function by propelling cannonballs with gunpowder, and asaeic cannons, which utilize manifestations. Some skyships also possess special asaeic weapons which are as varied as the possible manifestations themselves.