Sthrenic Melder

Sthrenic Melders, also called spirit Melders or hosts, are powerful and varied mages. Whether born with it or obtained later in life, they share a bond with a potent Sthrena that grants them their abilities. These can be partners, being fully sentient, or act more as an extension of the Melder themselves. The better the relationship or mastery the Melder has with its sthrena, the more powerful the manifestations are that they can muster.


This kind of bond between a mage and a sthrena is distinct from the Paishan Bond. The effects of the Paishan Bond are of the bond itself, while the Melding Bond specifically imparts control or the abilities of a sthrena onto a material host.

Summoned Sthrena

Melders are capable of summoning their sthrena to do tasks and fight in their stead, and dismiss them at will. Most are unable to form any manifestations without the Sthrena being summoned. If the Sthrena takes too much damage, it is immediately dismissed and the Melders are often left without a way to defend themselves. As such some go down the path of enhancing their sthrena with manifestations and using it to primarily attack, while others keep it small and out of reach and use its powers in more traditional spellcasting ways.