Stygian Oblivion Condition in Slaitoraph | World Anvil
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Stygian Oblivion

This could be compared to having a GPS monitor on at all times because it is sanctioned by a corrupt government. Having the Stygian Mark means that this GPS is basically removed. It doesn't completely protect you because you could still be physically spotted by the government, but they can't track you anymore.

Transmission & Vectors

Typically acquired through a pact with a Shadow Raven or acquired when the Ravens don't agree on whether someone is dead or not.    Cannot be passed down through generations. Affects only one person.


People who are in Stygian Oblivion are typically marked somewhere with a Stygian Mark. Their marking locations are dependent on where their killing injury sourced from if they died. If the person forged a pact, then their mark is in a place of their choice. (Romi's is on her right deltoid, and Ruicavi's is over his heart.)   The other condition Stygian Oblivion brings is that the Silent Ones can no longer track the being. They're "legally dead" in a sense, so their binding life force becomes invisible to the Silent Ones unless they were right in front of the Stygian person.    The Stygian person is also able to see the Shadow Ravens. They often know when another person has a Stygian Mark because they have Shadow Ravens around them.


As a result of the altered soul state, the Stygian person is more liable to voidwalking, meaning out-of-body experiences when sleeping or turning up in other dimensions. This can result in chronic poor quality sleep and sometimes encountering disturbing events from other worlds.    Sometimes the soul doesn't always come back right away, leaving the Stygian person's body unresponsive but still alive for a period of time. Voidwalking typically does not result in death.


Typically only known throughout the Arcane Order and related organizations. It didn't exist in the First World because Thanatos was still alive and did that job then.    In order to properly form a pact with the Ravens, a person must get to the Reflection somehow, or speak with Rowan, the human guardian of the Reflection. She mediates the bargaining for the pact. If Rowan judges them fit, she will tell a Raven to mark that person somewhere, meaning they are now "legally dead".   It is possible to bargain with the Ravens when they are seen around the time before death. This is much harder, however, because the Ravens do not communicate in a concrete language but instead abstract concepts. If you are somehow able to convince one of them, it will save you from death and essentially resurrect you with a Stygian Mark.

Cultural Reception

Stygian Oblivion is not well known because not many people actually know the Silent Ones are corrupt. Most people have no motive to form a pact with the Ravens anyway. If more people did actually know about it, most would consider it sketchy at best and then heretical at worst.
Chronic, Acquired

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