Arima Elf
We are not looking back on old glory! We are not bound to our past. We are elves from Arima. Progress is in our blood!Arima elves are descendants of slaves from the old Theocracy of Atlantis. Unlike many other elvan cousins, the Arima accepted the technology of the humans and integrated them into their own culture. Progress is one of their core identities, may it be in their bodies or for new devices. Only very few of them still follow the old gods, while most of them conscript their lives to research and magic of many kinds. Arima elves have a unique look that differs them heavily from their cousins. They have white, near-pale skin with equally white hair. Their eyes are sharp pink or purple. They are small for elves, only around 1,70 m on average. Their engineering culture also affects their bodies, as many Arima elves have magitech devices integrated into their bodies or attached to them. Most live on the Arima Plains in the Arcanacracy of Mani.
Shared customary codes and values
There is a simple reason why the humans won the war against our foremothers and took them as slaves: Technology! And today, we claim their ancient Magitech as our power.The elves of Arima have a cultural connection with most Magitech of old Atlantis. Differently from most other elves, they see no evil in the human magitech, but instead, a chance to improve themselves and to increase their power and wealth. They even go so far as to implement magitech constructs into their bodies to improve themselves, an act that is condemned by most other elves. Coming with this closeness with ancient human magitech is a fascination for the ruins of the Theocracy of Atlantis and their buried technology.
Why should we use the old bows? They are hard to master and have clear limitations. Crossbows and black powder guns on the other hand are easy to learn, small, and have a far better penetradtion than most bows even in the hands of a recruit.The elves of Arima are not interested in honoring old ways and traditions. They enjoy progress and breaking old norms. This lets them develop far faster than most other elves and accept new technologies in their societies, but it also lets them become unstable in their bounds and ranks. The biggest strength of the other elves is the stability of their societies and this strength is nullified by the wish for absolute progress of the Arima Elves. The words of elders have only weight if they speak with knowledge and insight into topics, not simply because they are older and wiser. Arima Elves are some of the very few elves who would openly discuss topics with their elders on the same level.
We must increase the flow of goods. But then the storage will fill quickly. I will order new buildings. Oh, but then we need to hire more workers from the humans. Do we still have the regulation of human workers in our town? But back to the flow of goods...The intensive usage of Magitech, pink mist artifacts, and their generally fast-paced style of life causes an abnormal amount of mania cases in the Arima elf population. Two of three Mania Elves have a form of manic syndrome, which causes them to become unstable in emotions but also leads to a rush of ideas, thoughts, and wishes storming through their minds. Many who interact regularly with such Arima elves say that its nearly impossible to follow their storm of thoughts and that this is their curse but also a blessing at the same time. It is assumed that the wish for progress and the very abnormal behavior compared to other Sylvan Elves is caused by their mania.
This is insanity! She has replaced most parts of her right arm with an improvised, not tested magitech arm. How could she?!Arima elves are reckless in their behavior, whether it is towards nature, themselves, or others. This often leads to impressive archievements and cruel and merciless acts. Where most other elves will think about an action two or three times before performing it, most Arima elves will begin before their first round of thoughts is finished. It makes them impressive fighters and engineers, but also leads to an increased waste of resources and a reduced typical lifespan. Arima elves often die due to accidents or self-caused harm before reaching even 400 years of age.
Major organizations
Most Arima elves live in the territory of the Arcanacracy of Mani. The Plains of Arima gave these elves their name. They often reach places in high politics and schools due to their long lifespan compared to other species.
Encompassed species
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