Kinnorath Organization in Sludge Cinematic Universe | World Anvil
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-Get's progressively more and more dangerous the further north you go, from feral natives to horrific monsters -Spelunking can be very lucrative as caves tend to contain many valuable gems, most notably; Ssark rock (named after a Lizardfolk scientist who died to discover the true potential of Ssark rock) due to its capacity to store magic functionally acting as mini generators of energy. -There is ONE main city, Snowcake (named by the Founder Merr, trying to make it seem as friendly and welcoming as she could. People grew fond of the name), and it flourished until recently with more and more monster and tribal attacks occuring for some unknown reason and more importantly, they would be at the forefront if war with Tharkos (Africa) were to break out due to being the furthest south settlement. -Once protected by the Founder, Merr. As with all founders, she was part of the ancient great civilisation from Hislathil (Middle country) and left before it was over-run. She went to the "Ho'ruushi" (The largest and most feared tribe, highly dangerous) to try and broker some sort of peace. That was 120 years ago and she hasn't been seen since. -Suuth'Kallos is the largest mountain in the world, located near the most northern side of the country, many hail it as sacred and it has been rumoured to have great power within, though many tribes will attack anyone nearing it as it is sacred to them


  • Northern Kinnorath
    A small map detailing the Northern region of Kinnorath. Bitingly cold at the best of times, the north plays host to frequent snowstorms and is often difficult to travel easily. The great mountain Suuth'Kallos at the very end of the north is considered by many not only be be a kind of deity, but also the end of the known world.

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