Session 10: The Thirty Second Siege Report in Sludge Cinematic Universe | World Anvil
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Session 10: The Thirty Second Siege

General Summary

Session nr. 10 23/02/2022   Wednesday, 23 February 2022 18:58   Night begins to fall, and as the heroes leave the barracks, they split up to prepare themselves for the Ho'ruushi attacks that will come the next day. Finn wanders the streets of the town, looking for any good high-up spots to attack from in case the invaders break through, as well as any place the civilians could hide and hold out the invasion. As he finishes up and wanders back to the Tuhuru Bharisk, a familiar darkness (see session nr.2) begins to surround him and blur his vision. This time however, there is no fog. The silhouette of the woman comes into view, her eyes just as hollow and her skin just as stretched as it was before. Finn, though afraid, remembers what he did last time and raises his left hand, his ring with the gem in full view. The woman begins to shift, and turns into the creature he saw deep inside that cave, that fateful day. Then, he snaps out of the vision, finding himself back in reality. Pink did not lie.   Haarin and Ruyi take May out to have a good, hearty meal. With the threat of the Ho'Ruushi looming over them, they decide to open up a bit more and reflect on how things have gone, and are going. With her father passed and the Bloodworthe family now actively hunting her down, Ruyi shares that Haarin has been a stable figure in her life, and appreciates how supportive he has been through all of this. Haarin tells her that he is very happy being able to spend time with her and May as well, going as far as to say he feels like after everything that has happened in his past, he now once again has a reason to go on. A new family to protect. Ruyi agrees, telling Haarin he is like a father to her. May begins to shed tears over how absolutely wholesome this conversation is.   Guy and Lucién share a drink as they usually do. They converse about the upcoming battle, and Lucién says he's beginning to grow tired of all this drama and conflict, especially after the near death experience Guy had the day prior against the Morkeas. He brings up how perhaps they should consider giving up on the contract with the mayor of Snowcake, and just head back to Gold. Guy says a contract's a contract, and tells him once more he won't let anything bad happen to Lucién. With the Ho'Ruushi soon approaching, Guy tells Lucién to run if things don't go according to plan and they'll get overwhelmed. Lucién goes against it, but Guy is more serious this time, the most serious he's ever been, which catches Lucién a bit off guard. Afterwards Lucién asks wether Guy has someone waiting for him back home. He does, but he's mysterious about it, attempting to dodge answering who. Lucién's a persistent one however, and eventually manages to make Guy open up some more. He says it is indeed a Lady, but he feels like they shouldn't really be together, as he himself is human and the lady is elven. He is worried about himself getting older and older by the day while she of course will stay alive far longer. He doesn't wish to hurt her by seeing the one she hold dear grow old and die in front of her. Lucién reassures him he shouldn't have thoughts like that, and that he should spent the little time they can share together despite their different lifespans.   Dust sits on the cold frosty floor of a park and asks Demise if he's ever been in a large battle like this. Demise says he thinks he was, when he was young, and that he didn't make it. Dust asks if his "sister", the scythe Till used, was forged alongside with him. Demise explains their father brought them back, and 50 years later he'd become a sword. He explains that in a way to make sure his children could never leave him, his father turned them into weapons after their passing. He had many children, but took a liking to him and his sister specifically, and immortalised them. Dust asks if he had a normal name when he was still a person, but Demise doesn't remember. He also says that even if he did, he'd still keep his name the same as he thinks Demise sounds cool. Dust spots the Teacher and Helley walk by with a few kids. One of the boys spots Dust and runs towards him, asking if he is one of the heroes. Dust says thats not what he'd call himself. The boy asks if he can save them. Dust is silent for a second, then says he'll protect them and save him if he can. Helley comes over and apologises, bringing the kid back to the group. Dust nods and continues whet stoning Demise. The Teacher smiles, and they continue walking.   The next day comes, and early in the morning the group assembles around a table in the inn. Lucién shares another heartfelt speech with everyone that boosts morale, including May's. Ruyi shares her plan of perhaps summoning a demon in the midst of the enemy forces, which could throw them into chaos. She could control the demon somewhat, but if she'd lose her concentration on him she could always banish it away. Though not everyone is fully behind the idea, the party trusts in Ruyi's abilities and agree she may use it if absolutely necessary. They dismiss and move to the barracks, while Finn escorts May to the Elder's building to hide with the civilians. While walking May writes on a cloth she found, asking Finn if they'll be okay. Finn reassures her he won't let the Ho'Ruushi destroy Treff, nor harm any civilian. May points to him, to signal the question "Will you be okay?". Finn nods, and says he will not die here, as he still has a duty, a mission he needs to fulfil before his death. He leaves May with Helley, who at the time was not hiding her appearance, causing Finn to accidentally succumb to the succubus side of her. He tries to hide it however by awkwardly waving and avoiding eye contact, until quickly taking his leave.   Hours go by, as the groups, now split up, stand atop their respective posts. Ruyi becomes acquainted with one of the guards, Fruska, after switching places with him. A darkness begins to ooze in over the horizon. Dust takes bow in hand and fires and arrow into it, actually hitting an enemy as their cry can be heard. The darkness disappears, and before them stands a large army of Ho'Ruushi, assisted by sorcerers, archers, and a giant skeletal snake. On the Eastern side, the Ho'Ruushi seemingly appear out of nowhere as well, and the battle for Treff begins. Immediately the pots of hot oil they had hung out are used against them, as on one side a gust of wind blows it over the wall onto the guards, while the other is ignited by a hostile fireball. Not long after, they break through the doors and the wall. After fireballs, Dust's defence against numerous Ho'Ruushi and the invisible bone snake, Lyore terrifying a large group and Lucién fire balling them afterwards, Veel taking on two commanders and Ruyi fire balling their backup, Finn spin stabbing the commander out of the air, Haarin decapitating an Anrar, Fuu mounted upon Claath her Anrar taking on the opposing Anrar attack force but dying in the process, Narra victorious over his sniping duel but losing his wife Veel in the battle, Lyore falling in battle after taking on multiple foes, and a pincer attack from the Anrar group that made it through the walls before, they manage to stand victorious. The battle took only a few minutes, but it felt like 5 hours. Unfortunately their victory was at the cost of all but only a handful of guards and a couple blown up houses.
Report Date
02 Mar 2022

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