Tharkos Organization in Sludge Cinematic Universe | World Anvil
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-Once was a beautiful country full to the brim with the best nature could conjure in terms of flora fauna, and everything else. -The Founder Kaleb took a strong stance of peace and taught his people as such. -Tharkos proceeded to get brutally pillaged and raided from all fronts, some even passing through the abyss just to try and get some of the natural riches within. Many such things were lost as the raiders perished on the way back. This continues for 200 years until the land is mostly bare and desolate as it is now. -Fell under Faand rule, they actually served well and did their best to try and renew the land to how it once was. -After just 20 years of rule, a man rose from the ranks of the Tharkians seemingly from nowhere. Killed the founder, killed the current king and dispatched the Faand rulership. Done 120 years ago. ever since worked on making Tharkos the military threat it is now. His title is God-King. -Hell bent on conquering the world.

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