The Rings Geographic Location in Sludge Cinematic Universe | World Anvil
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The Rings

Drifting endlessly through the depths of space, far from any major star, are two concentric rings separated by oceans created as an art project by 12 very bored immortals. Seeking something to occupy themselves with - or at the very least someplace more comfortable to sit while drifting on solar winds, they covered the Rings with beautiful vistas, towering mountains, and thick forests - going so far as to provide even an artificial sun.   As the scope of the project began to grow however, so did the differences between the Twelve. After much bickering, a conflict broke out among them, resulting in three deaths within their number. Where the blood and bodies of these immortals decomposed into the Rings, life began to grow - life blessed with many of the same attributes possessed by the now deceased immortals. Grieved at both the death of their old friends and the new life which had been born, the remaining members of the 12 agreed to abandon the project, and continue only as observers.   Much time has passed since these ancient days, and the Rings are now the dominion of mortals, rather than of gods. With the rise of differing political views the two rings are now at odds with eachother - the Inner Ring controlling the only fresh water body, and the Outer Ring controlling all the fertile land. Skirmishes on the border are common, but a tenuous Balance is maintained.

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