Dead Man's Scavenger

This animal feeds on dead plants and animals. It is found in the dry desert regions of Myvera. And it is an ugly creature, but a useful one.

Basic Information


It has a bald head with a hole for a nose, allowing it to smell decaying meat and dying plants for miles. It has sharp claws and a hooked beak, but with flat teeth near the back so it can flatten plants into a digestible mush. It also has a twnety foot wing span so it can glide for miles and travel across the dry desert plains when hunting or looking for food.

Ecology and Habitats

The Dead Man's Scavenger is found in dry desert-like places. It can makes its home in trees or on the ground. If it's in the trees there's usually a large nest sitting among the crook of some of the large limbs closer to the ground.

If it decides to make its home on the ground, then it will usually nest in a hole near the roots, sometimes using its claws to dig out some space or it will dig itself a small burrow to live in.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Although the Dead Man's Scavenger typically eats carcasses, it still has the ability to hunt for itself. It is found eating other animals' "leftovers" or whatever dead animal was left out in the open.

The Dead Man's Scavenger has been known to bury and dig-up it's food, which is strange for a bird. One of the reasons why it's called the "dead man's scavenger" is because of how often it was found in a graveyard digging up bodies of dead men.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Dead Man's Scavengers are mainly hunted for their feathers. One bird can be used to make three fluffy pillows with just the feathers on its body. However, once the bird is defeathered its body is usually tossed away. The Dead Man's Scavenger is not healthy bird to eat.


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