Helping Hands Ministry

The Helping Hands Ministry (HHM) is a ministry that was formed soon after the world stopped spinning. It was formed by a retired Prophet, who hoped this organization would be used to help those hurting, starving, or homeless. He died soon after it was formed.


HH Ministry is a large ministry that spans most of the "light side" of the world. It has seven main bases that recieve and send out supplies to the smaller organizations set-up in cities and towns around the "ight side" of the world. Unfortunately, the HH Ministry has not yet been able to reach the "dark side" of the world.

The small organizations then send out people in cars and trucks to hand out the supplies to those in need.

There are also people who are sent supplies for building houses and large shelters for those who can't afford, or don't have anyone to help them pay for a house.


Those that are hired by the HH Ministry are kind-hearted and generous people. They are also good at organization and recongizing the needs of others. Many are good at noticing who needs what, and when certian people are lying about what they need.

Those that volunteer seem to have an even bigger heart. They take time out of their day to help the community and the people in their town and village.

Public Agenda

The HH Ministry is used to help those in need get the essentials. Food, shelter, and clothes. One of the two main goals is to have everyone in a home, apartment, or shelter with a reliable source of food and clothes. The second goal is to try to get everything "back to normal."


The main asset the HH Ministry has in the large grant it received from its founder. Everything else is given by those generous enough to give clothes, food, wood, or anything.

Bringing the world back to normal

Activist, Charity
Alternative Names
HH Ministry


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