Idle Worship

Written by: Akeyla, Head Wizard

Sources: ███ and ████
Idle Worship is a style of worship done during the Myvera period. Most information pertaining to that style of worship, the gods it involved, and certain ceremonies are lost to time. Fortunately, there have been a couple people who have successfully retreived some information. Whether this information is accurate I can't say.

It's incredibly difficult. Not thinking. Just being. It's weird to say outloud, but I do think I've figured it out. i asked hundreds of people how they did it. Some gave better answers, I'll give you that, but it's like your own little journey. Just learning to do Idle Worship is something that, I feel, can bring you closer to your god.
— woman describing Idle Worship


Myvera Ages

According to The Sources, Idle Worship during the Myvera Years, involved mostly meditation. The slowing of the thoughts and the increasing focus on the beings above. Idle Worship was something many people did, and was seen as a widespread act amongst many of the Myverian religions.

Idle Worship seemed to also happen for long periods of time, hours sometimes even days. We are unsure exactly how this worked, since humans can only stand still for so long and bodily functions do happen.

Many of the details involving rituals and ceremonies that took place during the Idle Worship are lost as well. According to The Sources, Idle Worship, although widespread, only happened during certain times and days, and never anywhere else. Idle Worship was seen as a sacred thing, something that was taught with the utmost respect.


Verinar Ages

Idle Worship does seem to have changed quite a bit from its Myverian Ages. Most religions don't practice Idle Worship. It is seen as strange and most people find it things like "meditating" something old and outdated.

Idle Worship is used sometimes, but mostly among cults and small lesser known religions. Those who do practice it claim that it makes them feel closer with their god. Many say that Idle Worship is one of the best forms of worship. A speechless kind of worship.


Since we are unsure of how people did Idle Worship during the Myvera Ages I will only write about the Verinar Ages.

    I have personally never done Idle Worship specifically, however after conducting several interviews Idle Worship can be rather difficult, at least when you're beginning.

Idle Worship consists of either standing, sitting, or bowing. Once the worshipper is in a comfortable position, he will typically focus on something to calm him. Something rhythmic and repeated. Eventually, he can drift off into this thoughtless realm inside his mind.

It's a strange experience. Really hard to describe. But it's like focusing on something inside you. I don't have magic, but it feels like it. Just able to count my breaths and fall into this world of peace. But like a peace so unreal, you forget where you're at, what you're doing. You can just be.
— man describing Idle Worship


Arguably anyone can participate in Idle Worship. It's not as strict or as honored as it seemed to be during the Myvera Ages. So, anyone can close their eyes and at least pretend to participate.


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Aug 19, 2024 21:55 by Deleyna Marr

Interesting play on words with "idle" and I like how you explain this would be extremely difficult.

Aug 19, 2024 22:03 by Jacqueline Yang

Thank you!