
Man or mythical? No one's quite sure. Some think he's a sorcerer thousands of years old in the body of a young man. Others think he's a god come down to give wisdom to the humans. And a few think he's just a human. A young man with the power to weave stories together, pulling strands of magic and winding them through reality.



Jake is passionate about three things The Heavens, Stories, and Magic.

For as long as I've known him, he's has been fascinated with the heavens. Maybe that's why he lives out in the woods. So he can see the nightlights.

Jake never seems to run out of stories. He always has the most ridiculous one ready to be whip out of his back pocket.

And he's always loved magic. He claims he's never been able to learn, but I think he's lying.


A Quick Note

Although Jake might seem awkward, he is. When you first meet him, he's likely to run away, tell you to go away, or disappeat. But if you're persistent and ask him to tell you a story or ten, he might just warm up to you.

He's shy, quiet, and awkward, but don't let that fool you. Underneath he has a power very few have.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Jake is a good looking guy with brown hair and eyes. He's tall and skinny. He always wears T-shirts and a jacket with jeans and tennis shoes. But sometimes he doesn't look so average.

Sometimes his hair turns into black and dark purple shades, his eyes turn into a dark shade of violet, and a thick scar appears over his right eye. But then it's gone. I've only ever seen him look like this once, and it was dark. It could have very easily been a trick of the light.

Special abilities

Jake is special. He tells such wonderous stories they seem to come alive right before your very eyes. Before he tells a story, he always tells you to close your eyes, and as the story unfolds you can see glimpes of light. Hints of something.

As he continues on with the story, the light forms into people, things, creatures. You can see the story happening as he speaks. You watch the sword fights, see the grand palace, smell the earth. It's so real you can almost feel the pain of being slashed in the stomach, feel the awe that the palace inspires, feel the dirt and grass below your feet.

You feel the sorrows and pains of the characters, feel the loss, only to feel greater joy when they succeed, to feel a greater happiness when they laugh together.

  Then the story ends and he tells you to open your eyes. And you're back in his humble little wooden cabin deep in the woods.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jake is quite the mystery. No one knows much about his past or backstory. No one really knows why he lives in the woods all alone, when he seems to enjoy the company. The only thing that one can gather about Jake is by looking at his stories. Even still that isn't always enough.

Intellectual Characteristics

Jake is creative in the sense that he can tell fantastical stories with barely any preparation. He also is extremely ingenious. He has a machine that chops wood for him, empties his toilet, makes his bed, and (if it works) makes breakfast.

Current Status
telling stories to those he's welcomed into his home
Current Residence
the forest
brown eyes (sometimes)
thick, messy, brown hair (sometimes)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
light tan
Quotes & Catchphrases
"So, what'd you think?"

Pets He has a beautiful cat named Emily.


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