Say-Jang, Chief Messenger Rank/Title in Slumbering Gods | World Anvil

Say-Jang, Chief Messenger

The Say-Jang or Chief Messenger is the highest rank you could ever recieve as a Messenger. This rank is only given to two people. The Messenger for Entity and the Messenger for Being.


In order to become a Say-Jang there are three things they must do. First, they must have passed and graduated Messenger School with high grades or praises from the instructor. They must be fluent in Maronkis and the Messengers Dialect, as well as able to communicate long messages quickly. The last thing is they must know how to fight. The Say-Jang is constantly delivering messages, usually important ones, therefore he must be at least a Merdune (translation: Master) at self-defense in order to protect himself and his messages.


The Say-Jang must be trustworthy and of good reputation. It takes several, several years to build a good reputation, however a Messenger does not have to have years of being a Messenger. If Entity or Being trusts a Messenger, they could promot him to be their Say-Jang and no one would question them.   Being a Say-Jang is not always earned, so having sway with Being or Entity is extremely helpful in getting this rank. However, flattery does not work. Flattery will most likely get a Messenger fired.


In order to officially become a Say-Jang, Entity or Being, whoever the Messenger will serve, will have a ceremony, where the god will bless him and cloth him in new robes. The blesses will give the Messenger new abilites that the god thinks he will need. The new robes symbolize trust and respect.


The Say-Jang must treat people equally and with respect. Looking down on other Messengers and bullying fellow angels is hated by Entity and Being. This is not necessarily a duty for a Say-Jang, but many will introduce new gods to the Home of the Gods, or instruct other Messenges.


Besides, the regular job of messaging, Say-Jangs will help their Master will schedules and day-to-day activites. They also watch other Messengers and servants. They listen for rumors and report back to their Master, telling them complaints or issues happening either among the Messengers or with the servants.

Accoutrements & Equipment

A Say-Jang will always wear white clothes, sometimes jeweled depending on the occasion. Their hair is also some shade of white, sometimes gray or silver. No other Messenger or angel for that matter is allowed to wear white. Say-Jangs also have about two times larger wings than a normal Messengers. Only Say-Jangs wings are long and wide before it narrows coming to a pointed tip at the bottom. The last way to recognize a Say-Jang is by their messenger bag, which is satchel-like in appearance.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

A Say-Jang may be "let go" if his Master finds him unable to do his job, or is unhappy with him in some way. A Say-Jang could also have done nothing wrong and Entity or Being simply want a different Say-Jang.

Notable Holders

Lefikaj, the fallen one
Royalty, Non-hereditary
Form of Address
Say-Jang, Chief,
Source of Authority
Being or Entity
Length of Term
Undefined. The term ends when the Master wishes for a new Messenger


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