
Senile is a mental disease that causes a person's mind to function incorrectly. It is an untreatable disease with no clear origin.


Memory Loss

There are varying degrees on how destructive memory loss is. If the person is younger (5-49) the memory loss will happen more slowly over a longer period of time. The memory loss might not even be evident until their early to mid 20s. However, if the person is older (50-100) the disease will move much faster with memory loss becomes more apparent and clear earlier on.

  For most Senile people their short-term memory is affected first and depending on the person their age memory will get worse and worse, eventually forgetting most if not all memories.  

Mood Swings

Mood Swings happens the same way memory loss does. The younger the slower it will happen. The older the faster it will happen. If a teenager is Senile this can be one of the most tell-tale signs with extreme, radical, and unconventional behavior happening. Mood Swings in a Senile person are not only sudden and random, but seem to come from random jumps in logic.

For example, the Senile could be happy and laughing with someone, only to get angry and upset, because the person they were talking to didn't laugh at one of their jokes. The person not laughing implied to the Senile person he wasn't funny, or the person didn't like him.

These Mood Swings can be dangerous and lead to destructive ways of thinking.  


Hallucinations are very similar to dreams in that they are unpredictable. Some are good, while others are bad, and the some are just weird. Unfortunatly, hallucinations are much more real and very hard to forget about. As the disease gets worse the hallucinations will get worse as well. Most older Seniles do not experience hallucinations, while younger Seniles do.  


Confusion is one of the first signs of Senilism. Whether it's being confused about why they're at the hospital, or who they're talking to, or even what they were talking about is something common among Seniles.

Affected Groups

Senile disease can happen to anyone. It typically happens to the elderly, but babies, children, and young adults are not excluded. The disease moves at different rates for different people. For most children and teens Senile will last quite a while and will be a slow moving disease.

The general idea is that the younger the slower it is. Most children (5 to 10) will live to adulthood (20 to 50) and will experience the worst of the disease. They will experience the first onset of confusion, then memory loss, which can be followed by mood swings and hallucinations. Most end up killing themselves before their brain shuts down completely.

For those older (51-100) the disease will move a little faster. Those in their mid 50s to late 70s won't usually experience hallucinations, but still can. However, those in their 80s to 100s will rarely ever experience hallucinations. Senile people these ages will most likely die of some natural cause before the disease can fully destroy their brain.


Senile originally appeared in the early years of Verinar. However, most of the people who caught the disease were older and only had the disease before dying a few years later. As Verinar became more and more advanced, the people who got the disease became increasingly younger.
Chronic, Acquired
When he got the disease, he only ever saw me once before he died. He always got confused and angry when he saw me, and the one time I was able to see him....he didn't even remember me.
— young man talking about his father
She could ramble for hours, but then the disease came, and she like, forgot how to talk. I'd never seen Mimi so quiet. I would sit there and try to talk to her, but she never gave any sign she heard me. Just sat there, looking sad. I tried to help her, but she never told me how I could.
— girl talking about her grandma


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