The Dark Sickness

The Day the Earth Stood Still

When the earth was about to stop moving several major earthquakes, tsunamis, and hurricanes happened around the world. This caused thousands of electrical power sources to go down. The lack of power sources did not harm anyone who lived on the "light side" of the world, however the "dark side" went through many struggles.   Once the world had stopped spinning completely, the people had to adjust to living in total light or total darkness. Due to the large natural disasters, rubble, dirt, and rocks had covered up or destroyed many of those power sources and nearly all of the electrical wiring was destroyed by the water. Unfortunately, because the only light they had access to were battery powered head lamps and flashlights and any large, useful light ran on electricity, rebuilding these power sources took quite a while.   These times, when light was scarce were called The Dark Nights.      

The Dark Sickness

As the endless nights wore on the batteries died and the lights faded. Those that lived in total darkness gained what was called "The Dark Sickness". This sickness was brought on by the psychological issues that develop when living in darkness. It started off with eating disorders, and poor sleeping habits, working long hours and sleeping less, as well as the loss of time, days were no longer 24 hour periods, but rather from when you woke up to when you went to bed.These issues became worse over time.

The Dark Sickness did more than just increase these psychological issues, it added to them. It caused people to starve themselves or to stuff themselves, to over work themselves. It also caused them to have sensory hallucinations, it over stimulated the brain making them hyperactive and unable to sleep.

The sickness tore through the "dark side" of the world, causing many people to die. Even in the places where light was able to be fixed many with the sickness couldn't stand the light. Many would walk around with blindfolds on, making sure all they could see was darkness.


What is the Cure?

Places of isolation caused the sickness to take hold faster, making it easier for a person to go mad under the hallucinations and sleep deprivation. Unfortunately, those who were taken by the sickness died alone because of the isolation they put themselves under.

Therefore the one thing that staved off The Dark Sickness more than light was the company of others. Those who were constantly with people, and physically touched them had a significantly less chance of getting the sickness. Those who already had the sickness were healed through the slow integration of light, living the normal, habitual life, and interacting with friends, family, and peers.


In The End . . .

Once the "dark side" of the world was able to get some form of consistent light, people stayed close. Living in complete darkness with someone helped grow bonds and strengthen relationships. Those who gained The Sickness and survived the Dark Nights grew closer with estranged family members and friends once the Nights had ended.   Although, the Dark Sickness and the Dark Nights were a horrible time, the outcome was closer bonds to new and old friends, family members, and complete strangers.
Chronic, Acquired


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