The Worlds End


A young wizard who was popular among the village came down from the mountains one day. He told them about the world shaking, gods dying, and black goop coming out from between the cracks in the earth.

People weren't sure what to think. The young man had always been a jokester, but this was strange. He seemed serious, and he refused to back down when someone called him 'crazy' and 'a liar.'

The young man started to sway the villagers, so they turned to the gods. They asked them what was happening, would the world really end? But the gods had no answer. What this wizard was claiming made them nervous and uneasy too.

None of them had ever had dreams or visions about the world ending. The young wizard was adamant that the gods listen to him, that something needed to change. He begged them to look into it. But they never did.

The young wizard disappeared and his body was found several weeks later. Some speculate a god had killed him, out of nervousness or annoyance we'll never know.

Historical Basis

This prophecy of the world ending seemed to have happened during the latter years of Myvera. There are no concrete details, but some people did write down several of the visions the young wizard had. Very little of these documents survived and lasted into the Verinar years. There are only bits and pieces, but from those bits and pieces the young wizard did gain a small following. Unfortunately, most only saw him as a wizard who had used magic a little too much.

And due to the lack of information and sources on this person, we know very little about him and exactly what these visions where, as well as how he got these visions. As far as the history of Verinar is concerned and even a bit of Myvera he is the only one who had visions like these.


The story of this young wizard spread when things similar to his visions started happening during the beginning years of Verinar. People thought that the giant earthquakes and storms that ended the Myvera years wasn't actually the end, but just the beginning.

Of course, now we know that really was the end. Verinar was the beginning with some leftover bits from Myvera.

Variations & Mutation

This story can be told in a myriad of ways due to the lack of information we have, but all the stories have a young wizard, a prophecy or vision about the world ending, and him dying.

In Art

There have been several depictions of the young wizard's story. The most famous one showing the whole story, starting with him in the village trying to warn the people, and ending with his body being dragged out of a river.

Date of First Recording
before Verinar

This article has no secrets.


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