Three Sense Crawler

When the sun stopped moving everyone had to change and adjust, including some of the creature. One of these creatures is the Three Sense Crawler.

Basic Information


The Three Sense Crawler has a long, thin, flexible body that allows it to move through small nooks and crannies in caves or rivers. It has a flat head with no eyes, ears, or nose. It only has a jaw that works very similar to a snake's jaw. The only difference is instead of a detached jaw bone, the Three Sense Crawler has several strong muscles that form around a "mouth bone" allowing the Crawler to have a large gaping mouth with a strong grip. (A mouth bone being a circle of bones that give the generic shape of a mouth with sharp pointy teeth.)

The Crawler has six legs. Three on each side of its body that are typically thin and spindly, allowing it to move quickly at floor of the river/stream or on land.

Ecology and Habitats

The Crawler lives on the "dark side" of the world. It is an amphibious creature and has been found near rivers, swamps, and cave systems, preferring dark and moist places.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Crawler is a scavenger. Eating dead things that float to the bottom of the streams or crawling onto land and eating whatever dead thing might be nearby. If desperate the Crawler can use its electric shock to kill a small predator for food.

The Three Sense Crawler does not typically store food anywhere, but can go several days without food if necessary. If there are no animals it can shock and kill, it can survive off of grass and weeds for a day or so. However, if too much grass and plants are eaten or if they are eaten for too long the Crawler can die of starvation because of the lack of nutrients its body can get from the plants.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Three Sense Crawler has no eyes, no nose, and no ears. It survives purely by touch, taste, and a strange sixth "power". It's skin is ultra-sensitive and can detect any subtle changes in the environment. Its sense of smell also helps protect it, by smelling food or anything that might be willing to harm it. Due to the sensitive skin its skin is softer and a much easier target for predators. However, this sixth "power" allows it to shock and stun a predator by sending out small electrical waves.


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