Who and What are The Gods?

Written by: Akeyla, Head Wizard

Edited by: ███n Chief Warlock
Who are the gods? Where did they come from? Why are they here? Why are they so annoying?   These are all questions that wizards, like myself ask. And I'm sad to say that I might not be able to answer all your questions about the gods, but I hope I can answer a few of them.  

Who are the gods?

The gods are the great rulers who established the kingdoms the people of Verinar have today. Granted things have changed, territories have shifted, capitals have changed, but the gods still rule the lands. There are seven main gods, who are the actually important ones. (Apologies to the couple hundred lesser gods.). These seven gods are responsible for the Home of the Gods, and are not exactly looked at in a good light in Wizardry History. But tension has gone done and wizards are not in hiding, as of right now.   Out of the main seven gods only six of them were involved in making the kingdoms. The seventh god does not interfere with the mortal realm, making him mysterious and sometimes annoying to the wizards.    

Where did they come from?

The main seven gods came from Entity. They were the first things she created after she was awakened by Avron. These "2nd gen. gods" were much more balanced than the previous gods, that being they were made with a combination of Entity and Being. Unlike the "1st gen. gods" who were made up of three things Entity, Being, and Chaos.   These seven gods are known for a variety of things, to the wizards they are petty beings greater than them. To humans they are either great beings that deserve to be worshiped, and to others they are simply kings, someone to obey and nothing more.  

Why are they here?

The main six gods keep the kingdoms from falling apart, but they don't necessarily stop war. They used to, but have become less involved with man and their kingdoms due to more gods to control and their various domains.   The gods, unlike the minor ones, are not generally associated with nature. They are instead focused on different aspects of life. They are created similarly to Entity and Being. Science and Creativity. Death and Life. Work and Rest.  

Why are they so annoying?

I'm sorry. I'm afraid I can't answer this one. I would suggest that that's how Entity made them, but I wouldn't want to be rude.  

And one more thing...

The main seven gods, unlike Being and Entity and their minor gods, and even the minor gods made by the 2nd gen. gods. are different in one important way. The main seven gods don't have names.
Please note that the gods are a very touchy subject. So if any questions are asked, be aware of phrasing. (They can be quite sensitive sometimes)


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