
"It would be an honor to face you in the arena, friend!"
  Hercules is a Hercules beetle Miinu that plays as a gladiator in the Grand Arena in Glittering Oasis.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Hercules beetles are the largest species of beetle in the world, and as a result, Hercules is one of the tallest Miinu around at a whopping 7.4 centimeters. Hercules is a very large, muscular beetle with dark skin. His form is imposing, especially with the two large horns that protrude from the front and back of his head respectively. He has no hair, and often wears a golden gladiator helmet and a toga.

Special abilities

He is incredibly strong, and can lift objects several times his size, carry dozens of miinu on his shoulders at once, and ram through solid stone with his horn.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hercules has trained his whole life to be a gladiator, as horned beetles are often expected to be tough and good fighters. He's been obsessed with the sport since he was a grub, and would even fight with his peers. As soon as he went professional, he began fighting in the Grand Arena, fighting against other beetles. He quickly began rising in the ranks, until he managed to pull a win against the champion at the time. Since then, he has held the title of reigning champion for 5 seasons in a row.   His skills and wins have earned him a luxurious life style, with a lavish home and countless Miinu partners who throw themselves at his feet. Any time he is in public, he is swarmed with adoring fans.   Recently, he has become the father of a small grub. The mother is unknown, but it's implied they are no longer together.  

Personality Characteristics

Hercules is a confident and boisterous man. He is well aware of his size and strength, and will always stop to show off and boast about his skills. He adores his fans and is generally a charming and likable person, though he can be a bit careless. He often doesn't know his own strength with results in him clumsily knocking over smaller miinu frequently. He also tends to be a bit forgetful and absentminded, giving him the reputation of being a bit of a himbo.
Bug Kin
Hercules Beetle
Date of Birth
Feb 14th
Year of Birth
1902 CE 27 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Purplish grey.
Known Languages



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