Miinu Houses

"i know these houses aren't much, but they are all we've got and they get the job done."

Purpose / Function

Miinu houses are simple structures designed to give the Miinu race shelter from the elements and a place to rest.


The houses are obviously very small to fit the Miinu. They can be built from practically any material available to them. Often they have to make do with materials they can actually lift, such a twigs, leaves, pebbles and dirt. There are many different designs for Miinu houses and they can be put in different categories;  

Cavern Houses

  These are the most basic types you can get. They are simply houses either carved into a surface like a tree or rock, or making use of natural caverns and tunnels. They are the easiest type of house to make and great for a quick shelter. All the is needed is a few enchantments to make the space more livable, like doors, and it's good.  

Mushroom Houses

  Contray to what their name may imply, these houses are not made of mushrooms, rather they are simply designed to resemble them and hide them amusing real mushrooms. These are usually made from wooden supports and plaster. The stem of the mushroom usually being the one-room interior and the cap making the roof. After they are shaped and dried, the Miinu will use natural paints and dyes to make them look more realistic.  

Stilt Huts

  These are usually wooden cabin-like structures made from wood that rests off the ground on stilts. This is usually done if the ground is too wet to sit the structure down on, or if the Miinu is amphibious in nature and needs to be close to the water. More often, Stilt houses are build on top of wet swampy land or in lakes.   In the case of lake houses, many will be build with rooms submerged under the water, for the water dwelling miinu to sleep in safely.  

Junk Houses / Furniture Houses

  The home for the more daring Miinu, these are any house made inside a human dwelling. Often these are found inside furniture or inside crevices and walls. The often use material stolen from miscellaneous objects and trash found in the house, like cans, boxes, old shoes, etc.   These houses are only built by miinu who are willing to risk being found and killed by a human just to be in close proximity to human food and resources.
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Author's Notes

This article was made for Summer Camp 2019 for the prompt:

" Write about a typical house or dwelling in one of your cultures or countries."

  This article has been moved from Kollark to it's own setting.

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