
"The animals won't do nothin' long as you respect their boundaries."
Singh was a flea Miinu who was the animal tamer for The Traveling Flea Circus

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Singh was a small miinu with brown skin and dark beady eyes. He had a stocky round head and body and little legs. He'd often be seen wearing his suit for performing with the animals, though when he was doing work he'd dress in plain clothes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Singh was one of the original members of the Traveling Flea Circus, when it was still a family business for his own family. His family would take their act all over the mainland and were incredibly popular. However, his parents would eventually pass away, and his siblings would decide to go their own separate ways and start their own lives. This left the circus which had existed for generations on the brink of being shut down forever. That was until he met Peaberry, who seemed interested in the project and offered to fund it and find performers.   Though the new performers who joined were not fleas, they were no less talented and they'd eventually bring the Flea Circus back to it's former glory. At some point at the height of their fame, he was taking care of the animals when he found a young Lampry eating the animal feed. He was going to take him to his parents to reprimand the boy, but it became quickly apparent that no one existed to claim the boy. He brought the child to Peaberry and the other performers and after much deliberation, it was decided they'd raise the child themselves.   Singh wasn't much involved in raising the boy himself but he'd bestow some worldly advice for him every so often. Despite not wanting to see another person leave like his siblings did, he realized that as an adult the circus was stifling Lampry's potential, and he encouraged him to go seek his own stardom.   Very recently Singh would pass away of natural causes at the age of 82. He was missed by everyone who worked with him, and he passed down full ownership of the circus to Peaberry.  

Personality Characteristics

Singh was a gruff and business oriented man. He was a man who valued hard work and manual labor, a real mans man. Often seen as the grumpy old man of the group as he was the oldest and the most experienced. He had a way with animals like no one else. He had a close bond with the animals and the only one who could handle them without getting hurt. He was particular about who were allowed to take care of the animals and would yell at you for messing around with them.


Family Ties

Singh came from a long line of Fleas who had previously owned the circus before him, but by the time his generation rolled around, many of his siblings decided they wanted to do something more with their lives than run the circus, and they moved on. Singh never spoke to them again after that out of resentment for giving up on their parents' dream. Tough, one of his biggest regrets before he passed was that he never tried to reconnect with them again.   Singh was hesitant to ever call the new performers at the circus family like they did. He preferred to keep a professional distance, but that didn't stop him from caring about them, nor from forming a uncle-like role in Lampry's life.
Shown: Age 52
Date of Birth
November 6th
1847 CE 1929 CE 82 years old
Small, Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages



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