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Strezix The Brass Bard

Strezix Dursashor

Defined not by his disability but by his talent, Strezix pushes past his nervous exterior to prove himself as not only a proud bard but as a proud dragonborn. Although he is near entirely deaf, Strezix the Brass Dragonborn carries with him a panflute given to him by his mother when he left Alduia and plays it beautifully. Bardicly charming, the Brass Bard is a lovely companion for any adventure and a wonderful sixth addition to any party.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A somewhat unusual dragonborn, Strezix is not exceedingly strong or fit.  He is slender, slim, and oftentimes awkward.  He keeps his wonderful brass scales well polished and his fins and whiskers are always well groomed.  His dragonborn spines are often organized into three ponytails and he keeps wraps and ornate clasps over the individual strands.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



With so little tutelage of bardic ways available in Alduia, Strezix left his Clan home to find the Bard's College in Fafniran. Although his fellow students and professors had their doubts, Strezix proved himself by maintaining a position high in the class although he could never hear the music that he creates so deftly.

Mental Trauma

Raised as most other dragonborns, Strezix spent a lot of time in combat and weapon training. At a young age, during combat training with his older brother, Strezix was stuck in the head by a shield, knocking him unconscious for some time. When he finally came to, he found he suddenly could not hear his family speaking to him. Everything was a dull and cloudy silence.
Hoping it would eventually solve itself, Strezix and his family struggled to deal with his deafness for some time before the young dragonborn finally came to terms with it, accepting his disability with a determination not to be hindered by it.

Morality & Philosophy

Believing in the goodness in the world, Strezix is not concerned by the negativity around the world and the difficulties that are occurring.  He feels that between all people, there is more goodness than bad in the world.  Although dark and negative events may be louder, the goodness in others will suppress it in time.  
Although he is not a fighter, Strezix attempts to bring goodness and happiness to the world through music and positivity. Even if he cannot partake in huge battles and difficult conflicts, he hopes he can do enough to help the world on his part.
The 6th Member of the Beatles
Light blue
Rust-like blue-green Dragonborn spines
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Brass scales
135 lbs
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Elvish, Sylvan, Common Hand Speak, Draconic Hand Speak

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Character Portrait image: StrezixThe6thMemberOfTheParty


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